Friday, May 22, 2020

Covid-19: other perspectives

After I started seeing that there's a wide variety of thoughts, feelings, and ideas about how the current pandemic and quarantine has affected people, I started wondering what the perspective of others suffering this ordeal was, so I asked several people (coworkers, friends, and others) how this has changed their lives and, if they have a bucket list, what's something they want to do when quarantine lifts.
Starting off is Yavanna... my cat.

1. Meow.
2. *purr*
Now that I think about it, she's indoors only, no wonder she says she hasn't known anything about a lockdown.

Karen M:
1. My life hasn't really changed at all. Work is a bit more difficult, but nothing else.
2. I want to eat out. Don't know where, but I just want to go out.

Emily MC:
1. My life hasn't really changed at all, to be honest.
2. I'm a homebody, so probably just do more online shopping.

At this point, I was wondering if I would get any longer answers...

Rebecca L:
1. I mean it's definitely been weird being from everyone. Online learning was mostly okay. Just different and sometimes more stressful. It's been nice to be around my family more.
2. Probably hang out with my friends again or go on vacation.

Okay, finally getting somewhere with detailed answers.

Angela (West Run postmaster):
1. This pandemic hasn't changed my home life any, but the postal work has become more difficult because people are staying home, ordering much more online. It's almost worse than Christmas season, which says something.
2. When this is over, I want to go on a cruise. The one I was planning on got cancelled and is rescheduled for spring 2021, no exact date yet, though.

Not a bad idea. But at this point, I was noticing that everyone I talked to were women. Time to change things.

Alec R:
1. Nothing's really changed for me, still going to work and still looking forward to (I try to keep my blog family-friendly, so let's just say... "sexual expletive deleted") some (more sexual expletive deleted).
2. Like I said, (at this point, he was becoming predictable, you get the idea).

Alec, by the way, I nicknamed "Hollywood," since he always wears sunglasses and has just as shallow a personality. He knows it, too.

Peter J:
1. It hasn't changed my life at home much, but work was a bit different. In fact, the overtime we got to have was real nice. More than that, it was welcome, it helped us out right when we needed it!
2. I really can't think of anything, to be honest.

1. About the only big change is not being able to see my own son as much now. That and shaving my beard off.
2. Go on vacation, always wanted to go to Ireland!

1. Yeah, always having this (expletive deleted) mask, you know?
2. Yes, my big plan is taking this stupid thing off finally!

These are just a few different yet local perspectives on this pandemic. Next will be my own thoughts on the issue.

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