Monday, December 30, 2019

Believing the Reversal

Last month, my local library held a controversial event, a Drag Queen Story Hour. This is seen as a fun event by families who bring kids to hear stories told by men dressed like women (if you can call *that* women). Though there's a problem. Well, problems. It's nice that a story is told to children (my mother taught me how to read at a very early age), but some did research on the books that were presented and found the books had a hidden agenda; tell children they're not necessarily the boys and girls they were born as. Dark as it may sound, apparently telling children they're not actually boys and girls is more okay than physically touching as evidenced by so many headlines in the last decade of parents, priests, and other predators doing that exact thing.
Another problem is another did research on who the drag queen reading at the event was and found out horrible things. He stole from the LGBTQ community and was convicted, making him a felon, yet he was being allowed to be around children? Worse is he had been known to have pedophile-centric events at a strip club in Huntington, WV.
Worst of all was the silence from the event supporters. These same people who cry out for protection for their children refused to listen to anything found out about the materials being read or the guy's past.
They cried out that the Christians against the event were hateful bigots. Also, since it's Morgantown, known for being one of the top 3 liberal towns in West Virginia, people claimed that the Christians who were against it "were not being good Christians," and I can guess from the types of churches in town means being more worldly nomular Christians rather than Christ-focused God-loving Christians.
Things got worse when one person made a cartoon meme with an image of a shotgun and a vague death threat. This got passed through the grapevine and, by word of ear, the supporters started believing some (if not all Christians) were making death threats. Against the library.
Also death threats against children.
That's when Morgantown slipped into a Kafkaesque nightmare. Not one Christian (literalist or liberal) would want a single child dead, so why anyone would claim such a horrid claim is anyone's guess. Though one single thing came to mind.
In the book of Genesis, there's mentions of people doing what's right in their own eyes. Today, that's just as true as then. To believe what is right in one's own eyes can lead to disregarding what God has set from time imemorum. Some people prefer to believe they are their own god. With enough psychotropic drugs, they may think they are God, doesn't make it reality, though. Since sin entered the world, mankind has actively sought to prove God either wrong or nonexistent so they can have more room to do what's right in their eyes, to believe in the reverse of what God has set out.
Nothing new under the sun there.